Default. What a great word. Great name for a band as well. How do you classify Default? Just as the standard right? Well, I really enjoy the music these fellas put out. It's a nice change of pace to whatever I'm listening to at the moment. I bought this cd WAY back in the day - not even sure why. I think all I'd heard off of it was 'Wasting My Time' which probably won't make my Top 3. Must have just been a shot in the dark type purchase. Or I got it for really cheap - who knows. If there is one thing I can praise Nickelback for, it is frontman Chad Kroeger discovering Default. The word is Chad heard a demo from these guys and gave his all to make sure they got signed. The first single hit the airwaves and Default took off. Looking at other postings, this album gets absolutely no credit. Very poor ratings via most sites. Well - don't buy their hype B Siders! This album is plenty good. If you enjoy rock music, you'll enjoy this. They have 3 follow up records to Fallout, none of them reaching the sales or popularity status however. They're working on yet another album due out sometime this year yet. I highly recommend picking this one up. I think you'll enjoy it, in spite of whatever anyone else says. Even if you don't like the whole thing, there will be at least 3 tracks you love. I promise. Default your way through Monday - you won't regret it!
1. Sick and Tired
2. Deny
3. Wasting My Time
4. Slow Me Down
5. One Late Night
6. Seize the Day
7. Somewhere
8. Live a Lie
9. By Your Side
10. Faded
11. Let You Down
Listen To Samples
Top 3 Tracks:
1. Deny
2. Live A Lie
3. Sick And Tired
3.75 out of 5 stars
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