JenInTosa is running out of country music! I am too! Anyone else out there have some stuff for me to try out? If not, I'm going to end up going to other albums by artists I've already done. I'm fine with that, just thought you might have some stuff you jam on. Anyway, another recommendation by Jen was Patsy Cline, and specifically this record. I think everyone knows at least a couple tracks by Cline, as she's a mega country star. Chalk Cline up to yet another huge singer that didn't live to see all the fame. She passed in a plane crash at the too young age of 30. People who were alive in 1963 say she was at the peak of her popularity at the time too. What a shame. Cline is also in the same boat where she's sold millions of albums after her death. She's been voted into the top country musicians of all time and voted into the top female artists of all time. To me, that says a lot since she only performed for such a short time. I can't in good conscious say anything over the top bad about this album. I always have respect for artists that paved the way for others, even if I'm not a huge fan of the music. Well in this case, I can easily understand why this album, and Cline's music was so popular. It's got a classic feel to it and would be something I think anyone would have been proud to throw on back in the day. I think due to that classic feel, that probably makes it timeless as well. I'm guessing if you're a country fan, you can put this on and be totally content just getting through the tracks. Certainly worth a listen if nothing else, to educate yourself on classic country music like I did this morning.
1. She's Got You
2. Heartaches
3. That's My Desire
4. Your Cheatin' Heart
5. Anytime
6. You Made Me Love You
7. Strange
8. You Belong To Me
9. You Were Only Fooling
10. Half As Much
11. I Can't Help It
12. Lonely Street
Listen To Samples
Top 3 Tracks:
1. Your Cheatin' Heart
2. Heartaches
3. You Belong To Me
3.5 out of 5 stars
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