It's a bit of a 'New Music Wednesday' as this has become carryover. I had this album written down as a 5/25 release, but it turns out it dropped yesterday. That's a big B Side "Whoops" ladies and gentlemen. My source turned out to be not credible for album release dates. Ahh well, live and learn right? So - straight up, the Deftones are a pretty good band, wouldn't go as far as to call them great. I enjoyed the White Pony album the best, and Around The Fur had some decent stuff on it. They haven't put anything out since 2006 - and that was a record I'm yet to hear anything off of. This one seemed to have a little more hype surrounding it, as I've heard from a couple sources they were looking forward to it. I really enjoy the sound of this record, but I'm not sure I'll listen to it a ton. The backdrop is pretty awesome and some of the lyrical effects are pretty neat. I just can't see myself popping this in any more often than White Pony which seems to be once a year or so. My best Deftones memory was them covering Weezer's Say It Ain't So at a show years back. Maybe they'll put that on an actual cd someday. Until then, let me know what you think of this one. I'll say it's a fairly average record - but check it out. If you already loved the Deftones, this might be a home run for you.
1. Diamond Eyes
2. Royal
3. Cmnd/Ctrl
4. You've Seen the Butcher
5. Beauty School
6. Prince
7. Rocket Skates
8. Sextape
9. Risk
10. 976-Evil
11. This Place Is Death
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Top 3 Tracks:
1. Diamond Eyes
2. Prince
3. This Place Is Death
2.75 out of 5 stars
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