Getting to an album requested by follower Janis, my headphones are once again brought to Sublime, and the 40oz record. You may recall I did their self titled work a month ago now, which was the final entry in their discography. This was the first entry, and I think it's somewhat clear they were still working to find their style here. Sublime isn't really my favorite band ever to begin with, but to me this record is substantially worse than the self titled one. The only reason I say that, it doesn't really have that guitar anthem like 'Pawn Shop' it doesn't have that incredible sing along track like 'What I Got' and it doesn't have that super awesome one like 'Santeria'. Don't get me wrong, I still think this is a good record, it's just not my favorite. Most of the songs are kind of silly and don't contain any substance. And for that reason, it's a pretty good jam record. If you're cleaning your house and want to put some background music on really loud, this would be good for that. As far as me sitting down and listen while working, there are a million other albums I'd put on first. It seems like this one has picked up popularity over time, as it was considered a flop initially, but has now sold over 2 Million copies in the US alone. It's a blend of a lot of styles, has some reggae, rock, alt rock, punk etc all mixed together. It's a little different, but kind of neat. If you've never picked this one up before - it's certainly worth checking out. I'd get to it after the Self Titled if I were you, but hey - it's your life. Happy Thursday B Siders!
1. Waiting For My Ruca
2. 40oz. To Freedom
3. Smoke Two Joints
4. We're Only Gonna Die For Our Arrogance
5. Don't Push
6. 5446 That's My Number / Ball And Chain
7. Badfish
8. Lets Go Get Stoned
9. New Thrash
10. Scarlet Begonias
11. Live at E's
12. D.J.S
13. Chica Me Tipo
14. Right Back
15. What Happened
16. New Song
17. Ebin
18. Date Rape
19. Hope
20. Krs-One
21. Rivers of Babylon
22. Thanks
Listen To Samples
Top 3 Tracks:
1. KRS-One
2. Scarlet Begonias
3. Date Rape
3.75 out of 5 stars
i would agree that you should start listening to this after you already love sublime because it does lack the quality that the self titled does. actually, i think all of their other albums lack that quality. the die hards would probably say its better that they ended after the self titled so they couldnt sell out. i think most people would put date rape as the number one because everyone knows it and its quality is better than some of the other songs on the album. i would pick badfish as my number one. that song is great. and i have had it stuck in my head for the last three weeks. and djs i would pick as my number two. and i like new song because who doesnt like a song that name drops smith & wesson? i think this is an album that you have to listen to a few times and then you cant stop, and then the songs that you thought were your favorites get pushed down because you found a different favorite by the 20th consecutive listen. i love albums like that. and i love scarlet begonias but i dont know if it can be in your top three because its a cover - grateful dead. and, KRS-one is great. its like when people say they know something because of watching the simpsons.
ReplyDeleteI like your comment except the very last sentence. I'm not really sure what you were trying to say.
ReplyDeleteI've listened this this probably 20 times over the years, and I actually got sick of Badfish and New Thrash and moved over to KRS-One. It is a fairly solid record...but when I consider that I've listened to Self Titles probably 100 times, the proof is in the pudding.
KRSone was actually the reason i put this on three weeks ago. it had come on itunes on shuffle and it got stuck in my head. that, and i was really in the mood for a good 'drinking in someone's back yard on a nice day' album.
ReplyDeleteand the simpsons comment, KRS one reminds me of the simpsons, which i dont really watch. but i have some acquaintances who have said they only know random things/knowledge nuggets because of watching the simpsons. and that song reminds me of that because its saying the same thing essentially.
I read ya now. I guess I don't listen to this enough to change my top few tracks super often. I enjoy the album, and it's fun to listen to.