Ahh - 70's rock. Now, I know that the 90's was very diverse and today's rock bands run a lot of different sounds and instruments. But the seventies seemed to be a very unique time. We had very hard hitting bands, electronic bands, folk rock acts and then unclassified types like the Doobies. Crazy part is, they were all incredibly popular at the time. Today, metal usually doesn't sell like alt rock, and punk rock only sells for those bands that are HUGE - so it was a different time. These guys have a heavy guitar at spots, very upbeat vocals in spots - but for the most part, the stuff is simply catchy. Now, the Doobs aren't one of my favorite bands - in fact, I wouldn't buy anything other than their greatest hits collection. And it isn't that any if their stuff is bad, it's just not really my style. Some tracks are like the musical version of 'Grapes of Wrath'. They're entertaining, and culturally significant, but when the day is said and done, once is enough. I'd attempt to run through their history - but they changed band members every 6 seconds back in the day. They've got 13 studio releases out there - starting in 1971 and the newest set to drop this year sometime. That'll be 5 decades of Doobies. They should use that as an album title. I'm a genius. Anyway, this was their third studio release and it has gone 3x platinum over the years. Nothing great for a 70's rock band, but it works. They never sold a ton of records individually - but collectively they've sold something like 30 million in the US. Anyway - kick back on your Friday and get high with some Doobie.
1. Natural Thing
2. Long Train Runnin'
3. China Grove
4. Dark Eyed Cajun Woman
5. Clear as the Driven Snow
6. Without You
7. South City Midnight Lady
8. Evil Woman
9. Busted Down Around O'Connelly Corners
10. Ukiah
11. Captain and Me, The
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Top 3 Tracks:
1. China Grove
2. Long Train Runnin'
3. Without You
3.75 out of 5 stars
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