Hump Day. Is there anyone to better personify that phrase than Mr. Mayer? Not sure if any of you have seen him live or on VH1's Storytellers, but he has quite the sexual prowess. It's kind of neat that he's so up front about it with fans, but it's also kind of odd. At least to me. I'm sure the ladies love it...since they typically swoon over John. Anyway, this was his first album and it dropped in 2001. This is his best selling album by 2 million copies over his next two - at a nice 4x platinum. If you're not familiar with this style, it's very lyrical and engaging. I'd argue his more recent stuff has gotten away from that, but I'm reviewing Room For Squares so back off! There are a variety of tracks that really hit home assuming you're a regular person who's gone through any sort of strife in your life. He's really good to put on if you're in that laid back mood. There are a couple more upbeat tracks on this record (ie, No Such Thing) and those typically are not my favorites. In fact, that parenthesized song listed above is one of my least favorite tracks on the album. Probably because I was a freshman in college in 2001, and I couldn't walk anywhere near the ladies wing of my dorm without hearing 10 girls playing it over and over. That gets old after while. Other than that, I really enjoy this album. If you haven't heard it start to finish, you NEED to listen to it. Even if you don't like anything else by him, I'd be surprised if you didn't groove to this one. Happy Hump Day!
1. No Such Thing
2. Why Georgia
3. My Stupid Mouth
4. Your Body Is A Wonderland
5. Neon
6. City Love Mayer
7. 83
8. 3x5
9. Love Song For No One
10. Back To You
11. Great Indoors
12. Not Myself
13. Untitled
14. St. Patrick's Day
Listen To Samples
Top 3 Tracks:
1. Not Myself
2. My Stupid Mouth
3. City Love
4 out of 5 stars
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