A long, long time ago - in a land far, far away, I reviewed a band titled She Wants Revenge. I talked about how I really enjoyed the album after randomly hearing a crazy single off iTunes. That particular record was pretty dark, and although punk rock - not necessarily what you'd think of when that genre gets tossed out there. They're still a duo, and they quietly dropped this record yesterday. I didn't get to it on New Music Tuesday because frankly, I didn't have the time to devote to two new records. And we all know how big Gaga is. Had I not reviewed her, my blog would have been systematically shut down. Anyways, this is the third album from SWR - and the first since 2007. To show you how under the radar this release was, there is NO Wikipedia page for it. Yeah. Let that marinate in your brain for a minute. They did drop a video in February of this year to mark the release date. And the lead singer Justin Warfield directed the video - making his debut in that medium. This particular album is again pretty dark - but not nearly as dark of a vibe as the self titled debut. I'm sure any random person could pick this one up and find the music to still be a touch 'out there', but not at all strange in the way I'd call the first album strange. Which in and of itself, is kind of sad. This album is a little more upbeat and a little more poppy, which I can't roll with. That means my dark, beloved band isn't the band I loved - and that makes me sad. And yes, using the terms loved and sad are exaggerations, as I didn't really listen to these guys very often. Heck, I didn't even know a 2nd album existed. Anyways, it's Hump Day - so give it a go. What else do you have to do?
1. Take the World
2. Kiss Me
3. Up In Flames
4. Must Be the One
5. Not Just a Girl
6. Reasons
7. Little Stars
8. Suck It Up
9. Holiday Song
10. Maybe She's Right
Listen To Samples
Top 3 Tracks:
1. Little Stars
2. Suck It Up
3. Up In Flames
1.75 out of 5 stars
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