Song of the Moment

J. Cole - Lost Ones

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Muse - The Resistance

I'll be the first to admit - Muse and the like are typically bands I'm not super familiar with. I know a lot of folks who are big time Museheads - but I've never paid all that much attention to them. They have a similar sound to the Killers for me - whom I'm a big fan of. The 'US of Eurasia' track has a little bit of a Queen feel to it also. Some of the guitar riffs are pretty cool on this record too. It definitely has a progressive rock type feel to it - and not really that of an emo type band like Taking Back Sunday or Fall Out Boy. They're also more peppie than the White Stripes. All in all - I feel they're a pretty unique band. Unfortunately, that doesn't always mean it's going to be a solid album. I've gone through start to finish on this twice now, and nothing is really sticking out to me. It's possible that in two weeks something will catch in my brain and I'll start listening to it all over again. I don't really understand mixing the orchestral stuff in at the end of the record - but I'm sure they had a good vision when they created it. To me - it doesn't really fit, but what do I know? It's a very bold choice which will either go down as incredibly visionary or a risk that didn't pay off. Let me know what you think!

1. Uprising
2. Resistance
3. Undisclosed Desires
4. United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)
5. Guiding Light
6. Unnatural Selection
7. MK Ultra
8. I Belong to You/Mon Coeur S'Ouvre a Ta Voix
9. Exogenesis: Symphony, Pt. 1: Overture
10. Exogenesis: Symphony, Pt. 2: Cross-Pollination
11. Exogenesis: Symphony, Pt. 3: Redemption

Listen To Samples

Top 3 Tracks:
1. Uprising
2. Undisclosed Desires
3. Unnatural Selection

(Wow that's a lot of U tracks)

1.5 out of 5 stars


  1. wow, 1.5. I don't really care for muse either, but I thought those low numbers were reserved for Britney Spears and Country.

  2. I just didn't care for it. Maybe they have a different album that I'd like better.

    It doesn't help that you can't go more than 5 seconds without hearing 'Uprising' somewhere.
